Your health is extremely important to us. As we continue to learn about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the effect it will have on our participants and their families, we will adjust our health care benefits and coverage to meet the demands of our members, in accordance with CDC guidelines. Here are our most recent updates:
Coverage for Coronavirus Testing
Plan participants are eligible to have their copayments, coinsurance and/or deductibles waived for:
- approved COVID-19 testing; or
- items or services provided during provider visits to determine the need for or to deliver the test.
Provider visits include in-person visits to your doctor, telehealth visits, urgent care visits and emergency room visits.
Stay Informed!
UHC is regularly updating their dedicated coronavirus web page and there is a bunch of resources and information on Optum Health’s Coronavirus page.
Check regularly for the latest information about how your benefits can help you and your family!
Prescription Drug Refills
UnitedHealthcare is helping participants by relaxing prior authorization and refill requirements for certain medications. For details and eligibility, call the number on the back of your medical ID card.
Telehealth/Virtual Visits
If you feel sick, you can get care without leaving your house.Sign in toyour account to get started (or register), and then download the UHC app(App Store or Google Play) to use your mobile device.Please note that wait times may be longer than normal for virtual visits due to high volume related to COVID-19.
UHC is also working to make it possible for participants to have audio or video calls with any in-network primary care physicians that have the capability. Please check the UHC website for updates and information on these adjustments.
Stress and Anxiety Support
- UHC-enrolled participants: If you’re feeling depressed, stressed or worried, you’re not alone! Visit for a variety of resources, information and tips to help you cope.
- Emotional Support Helpline: You can also call the Emotional Support Helpline at 866-342-6892 any time, even if you’re not enrolled in a UHC medical plan. It’s free, and provides referrals to community resources for help.
Additional Resources and Information
Find tips for staying healthy along with the very latest information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Twitter feed.
You may also want to check the following resources for additional information:
- UnitedHealthcare’s dedicated coronavirus page
- World Health Organization
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Advocate4Me is a UHC program designed to help members successfully navigate the health care system by matching them with expert advocates who guide them when they have questions. Call Advocate4me (the number ison the back of your medical ID card) or login at and search “Advocate4me.”
And, be sure to download the UHC mobile app from you smartphone’s app store for free (App Store or Google Play). Itcan help you find providers, manage claims, get cost estimates, and even manage your own health, right at your fingertips.
Stay healthy, everyone!